I am a visual artist who works with people and places to explore how we fit in the world, how we shape and are shaped by our surroundings.
My practice utilises embodied and scientific knowledge to challenge established perceptions of time and space and offer new perspectives on biology, environment and the weather.
Recent and current projects focus on the body's internal clock, urban climate futures and oceanic temporalities.
My work is context specific; driven by interdisciplinary collaboration, experimental play and in-depth research.
I works with expanding group of collaborators including geologists, physicists, biologists, sailors and schoolchildren.
These combined experiences inform a methodology that mixes the playful and the serious, logic and speculation.
Works move across mediums: using sculpture, drawing, performance, participation, film and sound, seeking to reconcile different knowledge systems to explore the nature of our entanglement with our surroundings.
I’m a co-founder of research and curatorial collective Camp Little Hope and a member of art and game design collective Kosmologym.
I hold a BA(hons) in Fine Art Sculpture from Brighton University and an MFA from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts with a Minor in Art, Writing and Research.
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recent press:
Playing Ground in La Ragione
recent interview:
Image-Maker in Residence, The Sociological Review
recent podcasts:
Body Time is Planet Time
Ved din krop, Hvad klokken er? (Does your body know what time it is?)
recent exhibition film:
Body Clocks
previous artist films:
Kettle's Yard Residency
Observatory Residency